Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

PulauWeb Hosting Murah

Kontes SEO Terbaru PulauWeb Hosting Murah
Berikut ini adalah daftar alias list hosting yang disediakan oleh salah satu perusahaan hosting terbesar di Indonesia : PulauWeb Hosting Murah, antara lain ada 3, yaitu :

  • Free Trial Hosting
    di pilihan ini anda bisa mencoba dulu kualitas dari pulauweb selama 14 hari sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membelinya.
  • Hosting USA
    pilihan paket ini sangat cocook bagi anda yang ingin memperoleh trafik dari seluruh dunia, karena pilihan paket ini di khususkan untuk jaringan global dan sangat cepat di akses dari seluruh dunia.
  • Hosting Indonesia
    pilihan paket hosting indonesia sangat baik dan pas bagi anda yang ingin memperoleh trafik hanya dari indonesia saja karena pilihan ini sangat cepat di akses oleh pengunjung indonesia.
selengkapnya bisa baca di : >> http://www.disimpan.com/2012/07/pulauweb-hosting-murah.html

Credit : PulauWeb Hosting Murah

Yang Ngereview Rating: 4.5

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Sekolah Manajemen Perhotelan IHS tumpukan berita

Kontes ini bebas diikuti oleh siapapun yang berdomisili di Indonesia.
Peserta wajib me-like Facebook Page facebook.com/LivingParadiso
Peserta wajib me-follow Twitter @LivingParadiso
Kata kunci/keyword yg dilombakan: sekolah manajemen perhotelan IHS
Memberikan tautan/backlink ke website http://ihs-indonesia.com dengan menggunakan kata kunci/keyword: sekolah manajemen perhotelan IHS
Menyertakan 1 Logo IHS dan 1 foto kegiatan kampus di dalam artikel yang dilombakan, logo dan foto diunduh pada website http://infinitidea.com/semiSEO
Artikel diposting di blog, berupa artikel singkat dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Gaya bahasa bebas-santai-sopan, tidak harus formal atau EYD.
Tulisan dilarang keras copy-paste!
Tulisan harus memiliki maksud sesuai tema, bukan modifikasi keyword semata untuk optimasi SEO atau sekedar hanya pengumuman lomba.
Dilarang keras menggunakan teknik SEO Black Hat! (silakan cari kategori Black Hat SEO web).
Pendaftaran peserta dan artikel dimulai tanggal 1 Desember 2011 hingga 30 Desember 2011 melalui website http://infinitidea.com/semiSEO
Sumber Referensi

Webite resmi: http://ihs-indonesia.com
Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/user/ihswebsitevideo
Download logo & foto kegiatan mahasiswa
Kriteria Penilaian

Artikel Lomba semi SEO di-lock pada tanggal 15 Januari 2012 pukul 12:00 WIB.
Penjurian akan dimulai setelah penutupan pendaftaran, dan pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 20 Januari 2012.
Panitia akan mengambil 20 artikel teratas di pencarian google.co.id dengan kata kunci : sekolah manajemen perhotelan IHS
Dari 20 artikel tersebut akan di-filter kembali menjadi 10 artikel yang terdaftar dan memenuhi syarat.
Dari 10 artikel yang terpilih akan dilakukan penilaian yang meliputi :
a. Urutan dan posisi di google.co.id pada saat di-lock.
b. Isi artikel dan kelengkapan penyajian.
c. Keserasian tampilan dengan isi artikel.
d. Kata-kata penulisan yang mudah dibaca dan sanggup menjelaskan profil IHS (INTERNATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL).
Jika diketahui dari hasil cross check artikel pemenang adalah hasil copy-paste maka pemenang akan diganti.
Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu-gugat!
Ketentuan lain yang belum diatur akan diatur kemudian.

Pemenang I: Uang tunai @ Rp 300.000 + Merchandise
Pemenang II: Uang tunai @ Rp 200.000 + Merchandise
Pemenang III: Uang tunai @ Rp 100.000 + Merchandise
Pemenang IV & V: Flashdisk 4GB + Merchandise
Pemenang VI, VII, VIII, IX, X: Merchandise

DAFTAR LOMBANYA DISINI >> http://infinitidea.com/semiSEO/ atau http://ihs-indonesia.com/semiSEO/


Senin, 14 November 2011

Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia

Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia adalah wadah bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui perihal properti rumah dan jual beli serta sewa rumah di indonesia. Sekilas apa itu broker, broker biasanya di indonesia lebih dikenal dengan istilah makelar yang biasa sebagai perantara atau pelaku jual beli. Properti sendiri biasa disamakan dengan aset atau kepemilikan sesuatu dan lainnya. Jual beli rumah atau hanya sekedar sewa rumah memiliki prospek cerah saat ini mengingat semakin bertambah banyaknya jumlah penduduk di indonesia.Read more about Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia by allshare zone

Website : http://onyxblog94.blogspot.com/2011/11/century-21-broker-properti-jual-beli_12.html
Blog : Century 21 Broker Properti Jual Beli Sewa Rumah Indonesia

Minggu, 18 September 2011

History Asbestos Use | Asbestos

A naturally-occurring mineral now known to cause asbestos cancer, asbestos has long been considered a miracle material. Boasting excellent heat- and fire-resistant properties, it has a history that dates back to  the ancient Greek island of Ewoia, believed to be the site of the first asbestos mine. As a matter of fact, the word “asbestos” comes from a Greek word meaning “inextinguishable.”
Even centuries ago, people were awed by this mineral, for which they found many uses. It has long been used as a building material, even as far back as during the Holy Roman Empire, and was also used to produce fabric that would be used in clothing and a variety of other textiles. Legend has it that an early Roman emperor used to marvel at the fact that he could throw his asbestos tablecloth into the fire after meals and it would emerge clean and unscathed! Early Egyptians also used cloths made of asbestos to wrap their dead, believing it would last for centuries to come.
However, even the early civilizations surmised that asbestos was the cause of the pulmonary problems being exhibited by those who worked in the mines where asbestos was extracted or those who spun and wove asbestos into fabric. In particular, Roman philosopher and naturalist Pliny the Elder noted that slaves who mined asbestos suffered from a sickness of the lungs and died at an early age.
As the centuries waned, however, asbestos use continued, and when the Industrial Revolution unfolded, the material enjoyed all sorts of new uses in factories and plants throughout the U.S. and abroad. Once again a “miracle mineral”, asbestos began being mined in earnest in the late 1800s and many industries gobbled it up quickly.
Asbestos found use not only in factories, but also in oil and chemical refineries, on railroad cars, and in shipyards. Asbestos materials were used to insulate pipes and boilers in steam locomotives, to line tanks and ovens in refineries, and could be found literally everywhere aboard the nation’s ships, from engine rooms to galleys. Tens of thousands of workers would soon be exposed on a daily basis and many would later begin to experience the same problems as those from centuries past who worked in the asbestos mines.
As the twentieth century progressed, more and more uses for asbestos were found. It was used in the brakes and clutches of new-fangled automobiles, insulated America’s new skyscrapers, and especially found much popularity in the construction industry, where it was used in items like cement, roof shingles, floor and ceiling tiles, siding, stucco, plaster, and much more.
By the middle of the 1900s, it was once again becoming apparent that asbestos was causing health problems. Those who were especially susceptible to developing asbestos-related diseases and disorders were individuals who were exposed to the mineral when it was enjoying abundant use – mostly from the 1940s through the 1970s. Navy veterans and shipyard employees were among those most likely to develop asbestosis and mesothelioma cancer but others who worked with asbestos regularly were certainly not exempt.
Unfortunately, records have shown that many business owners who employed the use of asbestos in their facilities knew that the material was dangerous yet continued to allow its use. Eventually, stories of sick employees became commonplace, causing the American government to consider imposing laws about the use of asbestos. They finally did this in the late 1970s, though never officially “banned” asbestos use in the United States
Some countries still mine asbestos – mostly the “white” chrysotile form – and it is still exported from these locations to other countries around the world. However, more than 40 countries have totally banned the use of asbestos, recognizing its toxicity.

source : http://www.mesothelioma.com/asbestos-cancer/asbestos-history.htm

Asbestos Types | Asbestos

Asbestos Types
Once mined in many places throughout the world but now mostly in Canada, Russia, Africa, and China, asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that was used for decades as an insulator for a host of products, many used in homes throughout the world.
Six different types of asbestos have been identified. These types are divided into two groups:
  • Serpentine – This variety of asbestos has a layered structure and curly fibers. Chrysotile asbestos is the only type in this category and was the kind of asbestos most often used in buildings in the United States.
  • Amphibole – This kind of asbestos is characterized by a long chain-like structure of fibers that are sharp and straight and easy to inhale. Found in this category are the remaining 5 types of asbestos – amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite. The first two were widely used in products until the 1980s and amosite is the 2nd most likely type to be found in buildings.
These kinds of asbestos are also often categorized by their color, though tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite remain unclassified.
  • White – chrysotile
  • Brown – amosite
  • Blue – crocidolite

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